Injury & Malpractice Attorney Serving Clients Near Dallas, Ft. Worth, Plano, Arlington, Irving, North Texas & Arkansas
According to the Centers for Disease Control, over a million people are treated and released from hospital emergency departments for traumatic brain injuries (TBI's) each year. 230,000 more Americans are admitted to hospitals with traumatic brain injuries, and over 50,000 Americans die because of them.
People who have never suffered a TBI or have not seen the effects of a TBI first hand have no idea how much damage a traumatic brain injury can cause to the lives of those who are injured and the people around them. They see terms like "mild" head injury and are fooled into believing that complete recovery is just around the corner. At Polewski & Associates, we know that people with "mild:" brain injuries can and do suffer crushing headaches, inability to concentrate, loss of sexual desire, and profound changes in personality. Our clients are bravely confronting these problems every day, and we are right there with them, getting them the help they need-and fighting for the fair compensation for the brain injury and the damages that brain injuries cause.
Brain injuries are often labeled "mild" or "moderate" because the person who has suffered a brain injury is not in a coma, but they are devastating. A complete understanding of what TBI victims are going through requires real expertise in medicine and neuropsychology that very few attorney have. Nobody can speak for people who are suffering from brain injuries and their families if they don't understand what you are going through. Nobody can represent you if they don't get to know you personally. People suffering from brain injury and their families deserve exceptional legal counsel. At Polewski & Associates, all of our head injury clients get the personal attention of a board certified personal injury trial lawyer with over 24 years of experience handling serious injury cases.
You and your family deserve nothing less.
Have you or a loved one suffered a traumatic brain injury because of an accident? Please contact Polewski & Associates today by calling 972.230.6200 to schedule a consultation.