Injury & Malpractice Attorney Serving Clients Near Dallas, Ft. Worth, Plano, Arlington, Irving, North Texas & Arkansas
A collision between a car and a pedestrian will almost always result in catastrophic personal injury or death because the pedestrian has nothing to protect him from the vehicle or the harsh surface of the road. Regardless of whom is at fault (the driver or the pedestrian), there are certain steps all parties involved should take just in case personal injury litigation arises following your accident.
If you have been involved in a vehicle accident with a pedestrian, you should contact an experienced personal injury attorney right away. The Dallas, Texas pedestrian accident attorneys at Polewski & Associates will meet with you to discuss your case and advise you of your rights.
According to statistics, most of us will be in an automobile accident at some point in our lives. When you are in a car accident (either as a driver or a pedestrian), you should:
- Get medical help immediately
- Stay at the scene until police arrive
- Obtain necessary information from other drivers and witnesses
- Never admit fault
- Never accept settlement or sign anything (other than the police report)
Pedestrian Error
If a pedestrian is careful and mindful of traffic laws, the chance of being struck by a car is, of course, greatly reduced. Some of the most common reasons pedestrians are hit by vehicles include:
- Failure to obey traffic signals
- Jaywalking
- Darting in and out of traffic (especially children)
- Parents chasing after a child who’s run off
- Walking on limited access roadways
Driver Error
With the weight of a vehicle all around them, drivers of automobiles are much less likely to suffer serious injury when involved in a pedestrian-car collision. Some of the most common errors drivers make that result in collisions with pedestrians include:
- Ignoring crosswalk signals
- Disregarding pedestrians already in crosswalk
- Disregarding traffic lights and officers directing traffic
- Driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol
- Passing a stopped school bus
Even a low-speed collision can severely or fatally injure a pedestrian, so it is imperative that drivers and pedestrians obey all traffic signals and proceed carefully through areas with pedestrian traffic.
The car accident attorneys of Polewski & Associates help accident victims get the compensation they deserve. If you were a pedestrian seriously injured in an auto accident, please call us at 972.230.6200 today.